Junior Sisk

Junior Sisk

Cover art for Junior Sisk 2016 album on Mountain Fever Records. Lots of fun using the camo throughout the packaging.
Dave Adkins

Dave Adkins

Artwork for the latest Dave Adkins project on Mountain Fever Records.
The Jackillacs

The Jackillacs

A fun band with loads of energy. This cover was created using the bands hand drawn branding emblem and a photo taken by Kneelindesign. Keeping with colors and flair to match that of the band the artwork had to have an energy about it.artist’s Facebook:...
Nothin’ Fancy

Nothin’ Fancy

The 2015 Nothin’ Fancy cover art gives a songwriter’s feel with the inlaid text and inkwell on the hardback cover texture. the inside of the packaging has the look and feel of a book from the early 1900’s turned open, with drawing and the styled text...
Rice & Menzone

Rice & Menzone

The Rice & Menzone cover was created to give a flair of the modern and keep the beauty of the roots of the music. The album packaging has multiple panels of matching artwork to accent the music.